Barnfield Hill Surgery


In order to protect you, other patients coming into the practice, and our team we have introduced video consultations. This is a new way of working for us and there are bound to be a few issues early on but we are working hard to get these sorted.

A video consultation may be necessary if our GP’s are unable to help you over the telephone. It is important for some conditions such as skin rashes to be seen by the GP’s, our asthma nurses or diabetes nurses may check in on you using video appointments. In order to enable this we are using your own mobile smart phone to meet you in a secure virtual room to undertake the consultation. Your consultation is not recorded. This is a virtual meeting using a secure virtual room. This is better for you as it means you are not attending the Surgery. Any appointments that cannot be dealt with by telephone or video may need a face to face appointment. You will be advised by one of our team to attend in person if required. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND UNLESS ASKED TO DO SO. 

This works in the following way:

How it works:

  • Your GP  will let you know that they would like you to do a video consultation
  • Your GP  will then send you a text message with a link to load video consultation, that looks something like this:


What you need to do:

  • Once you receive the message click on the link
  • It will then open your internet browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome)
  • It may show you a screen where you need to click “Request permissions” to enable your camera and your microphone
  • Then you need to click “Join Meeting” 
  • You should then be able to see your GP:

What do I need for it to work?

  • A smartphone, either with working Wifi/3G/4G connection
  • Your Internet Browser needs to have your phone’s microphone and camera enabled (you can see how to alter this in your phone settings here)
  • iPhones running older software that has not been updated (iOS 12 and earlier) will need to download the Whereby app to join the consultation)

See a video of how it works

  • We’ve got a video of how it looks here
Privacy Notice in relation to video consultations:
The practice has a carried out a Data Protection Impact Assessment for using ACCRux. The main areas of risk are identified in the document which can be obtained from the practice by contacting the Practice Business Manager Zoe Trevascus. We will uphold the principles of GDPR legislation and ICO guidance. Your consultation is not recorded. This is a virtual meeting using a secure virtual room.


Date published: 26th March, 2020
Date last updated: 26th March, 2020